Saturday, April 18, 2020

Music Unit free essay sample

Why is this theme such a popular one? 3. What is disco? What are the characteristics of this music? 4. What was the British Invasion? Which famous group was a part of this movement? What impact did the group have on pop music? 5. What is a boy band? What are some characteristics of a boy band? Critical Thinking Questions 1. Some of the music in the 1 9605 was used to protest social and political issues. Is music still used as a form of protest? Why or why not? 2. One of the changes in the music industry during the twentieth century was the increasing centralization of music. Has music become too commercial?Why or why not? Do you think that artists are creating music for money or for other reasons today? 3. How has technology impacted pop music? Describe at least three technological changes that impacted and shaped pop music today or in the past. 4. Pop music has often been seen as youth music. We will write a custom essay sample on Music Unit or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Why do you think pop music appeals to younger individuals? How has the industry promoted this idea? 5. What is one popular pop artist or group (from today or from the past)? Why does this person/groups music fit into the pop genre? Why do you think the person/group was successful with their music? Music Unit free essay sample The answers to the lab questions are worth 10 points. Lab Questions Visit Latin Music LISA and watch the videos. Please view all video chapters. 1 . Describe some of the influence of Latin music in the LIST in the early part of the twentieth century Latin music gave a new type of music to the US. It gave an great infusion on Latin culture and melting pot. 2. What was the significance of Machismo and His Afro-Cubans?It was African first time going out to the public. 3. How did Dizzy Gillespie incorporate Latin music into his music? Dizzy thought jazz music was boring so he added Latin music and jazz together to start something different. 4. What was the Palladium? An old dance studio that all types of people went too. The passion to dance united them as one. 5. How did the television and films increase the exposure of the IIS to Latin music? It allowed Latin music to go world wide 6. We will write a custom essay sample on Music Unit or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page How did Latin music influence rock music? There is Latin influence in the rhythm of rock music.There was a huge Latin influence on rock music because musicians incorporated familiar music of their day-to-day life, Latin.. Rock music was influenced by Latin music because of how fast they became popular in the 5(Yes. 7. Why do you think Latin music had such a great influence on the development of popular music? Because it was new and had good rhythms and beats. 8. Do you think that any of the music that you listen to has Latin influences?

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